
  • Africa Best Frequent Flyer Miles Options To South Africa

    Best Frequent Flyer Miles Options To South Africa

    Image courtesy: Brian Snelson  Reader Debra wants to travel from Florida to South Africa for a honeymoon. She’s never been out of the country and has only taken one vacation in recent memory. She’s a private school kindergarten teacher and wants to make this trip happen with her newlywed husband before life gets too complicated. […]

  • Africa For the Kids: Boston to Windhoek, Namibia 6

    For the Kids: Boston to Windhoek, Namibia

    Image courtesy: Reaching the Goal  Trip Information After retiring, reader Linda and her husband Bill spent a year teaching children in Rundu, Namibia. After seeing the plight of these children firsthand, they decided to take more action after their time teaching had finished. In 2009, they founded Reaching the Goal for African Children. The charity […]

About PointsAway
Casey Ayers is a consultant and entrepreneur with a passion for travel. After amassing enough miles and points to travel anywhere in the world for almost free in less than six months, he developed PointsAway as a way to help others make travel dreams big and small come true.
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