
  • American Airlines Cheapest Economy Flights To London

    Cheapest Economy Flights To London

    Image courtesy: Lee Dyer  One of the requests we receive most often from readers is for flights to London from various points around the US. Marissa would like to go this fall for a semester studying abroad, for example. Irvin would like to go in November to see the Jaguars and Cowboys play. Paul wants […]

  • Athens Hopping Around Europe On Dirt Cheap Cash Fares

    Hopping Around Europe On Dirt Cheap Cash Fares

    Trip Information Reader Emily recently asked me for advice on how to pull off a trip that hops all the way from one end of Europe to the other this Summer. On her trip, she wants to see Istanbul, Athens, Rome, Barcelona, Paris, London, Edinburgh and Dublin. In the past, readers have mostly expressed interest […]

  • Asia Paying Your Way to Free Nights: The Best Hotel Program for Frequent Travelers 3

    Paying Your Way to Free Nights: The Best Hotel Program for Frequent Travelers

    Image courtesy: Hilton Worldwide  Our focus here is typically on how to earn free nights and flights while doing as little paid travel as possible. That might mean capitalizing on card sign-up bonuses, spending category bonuses, shopping portal and dining opportunities, and other ways to earn miles and points through the daily course of your […]

  • British Airways Dr. Who’s Fez: LAX to London & Morocco

    Dr. Who’s Fez: LAX to London & Morocco

    Image courtesy: BBC  Trip Information Rachel’s children are huge fans of Dr. Who and Harry Potter. She’d like to take both of her kids and her husband on a trip to the UK in order to see some of the locations made famous in both franchises, in London and Cardiff. As a Beatles fan, she […]

  • American Airlines Traveling to the 2014 NFL International Series

    Traveling to the 2014 NFL International Series

    The NFL recently announced the schedule for games slated to take place at Wembley Stadium in London next season, and already we’ve received several requests for a follow-up to our series covering our journey to the Jaguars/49ers game in London this year. Following last night’s glorious victory over the historically bad Houston Texans, we’re sure […]

  • Dispatches from London: A Fan’s Perspective (Updated!)

    Our trip to London to see the Jaguars play the 49ers is now underway! I’ll have much more information to share on the details of our trip, including plenty of tidbits about our flights and hotels, later on. For now, though, I’m providing some daily perspective on the trip over at BigCatCountry, SBNation’s Jaguars website. […]

  • PointsAway on the News!

    While in London, I had the chance to speak with Lew Turner from First Coast News, Jacksonville’s local ABC and NBC news source, about PointsAway and my family’s trip to see the Jaguars play the 49ers at Wembley Stadium. Check out the video below or head on over to FCN to see how we turned […]

  • Dispatches from London: A Jaguars Fan’s Perspective

    Our trip to London to see the Jaguars play the 49ers is now underway! I’ll have much more information to share on the details of our trip, including plenty of tidbits about our flights and hotels, later on. For now, though, I’m providing some daily perspective on the trip over at BigCatCountry, SBNation’s Jaguars website. […]

  • American Airlines Singing in Prague: Minneapolis to Prague, Paris & Milan

    Singing in Prague: Minneapolis to Prague, Paris & Milan

    Image courtesy: Ricardo Liberato  Trip Information PointsAway reader Elena will be singing in the Prague Choral Festival next July! To participate in this exciting event, Elean must travel from Minneapolis to Prague, arriving no later than the morning of July 15th. She wants to maximize her time in Europe with additional stops in Paris and […]

About PointsAway
Casey Ayers is a consultant and entrepreneur with a passion for travel. After amassing enough miles and points to travel anywhere in the world for almost free in less than six months, he developed PointsAway as a way to help others make travel dreams big and small come true.
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